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Delta B2 Small Power Servo Motor Power Cable ASD-B2-PW0005 5M Encoder Cable

The ASD-B2-PW0005 is a power cable for Delta's B2 series small power servo motors. Its specifications include:

Length: 5 meters
Type: Standard model
Brand: White-label product
This power cable is specifically designed for Delta B2 small power servo motors to ensure stable and reliable power transmission, which supports the efficient operation of the motor. Given its targeted application and high-quality standards, the ASD-B2-PW0005 performs exceptionally well in applications requiring precise control and efficient power transfer.


Delta's A2, A3, B2, B3, and AB series servo cables with connectors can be customized to any length as needed.

Delta Servo Cable Options (A2/A3/B2/B3/AB Series)

  1. Cable Types:

    • Encoder Cable

    • Power Cable

    • Power Cable with Brake Line

  2. Series Overview:

    • A2 Series (ASD-A2)

    • A3 Series (ASD-A3)

    • B2 Series (ASD-B2)

    • B3 Series (ASD-B3)

    • AB Series (ASD-AB)

  3. Customization Options:

    • Length: Can be customized from 1 meter to 20 meters (lengths can be discussed based on actual needs).

    • Connector Type: Choose according to application requirements to match with servo drives and motors.

  4. Selection Guide:

    • Encoder Cable: Connects the servo motor's encoder to the drive.

    • Power Cable: Transmits power to the servo motor.

    • Power Cable with Brake Line: For applications requiring additional brake control.

Ordering and Customization Process:

  1. Determine Requirements: Confirm the servo system model, cable type, and required length.

  2. Select Cable: Choose the appropriate cable type based on the motor and drive specifications.

  3. Contact Supplier: Reach out to Delta or an authorized distributor with customization needs, including specific length and connector types.

  4. Confirm Order: Finalize order details and proceed with production.

For more detailed information or specific customization needs, please contact US directly



Servo cable selection table for Delta's A2, B2, AB, A3, and B3 series:

Delta A2 Series Servo Cable Selection Overview:

  • ASD-A2EN00: Delta A2 Series Encoder Cable for Small Power Servo (up to 750W)

  • ASD-A2PW00: Delta A2 Series Power Cable for Small Power Servo (up to 750W)

  • ASD-A2PW01: Delta A2 Series Power Cable for Small Power Servo (up to 750W) with Brake Line

  • ASD-A2EN10: Delta A2 Series Encoder Cable for High Power Servo

  • ASD-A2PW10: Delta A2 Series Power Cable for Medium Power Servo (1-2KW)

  • ASD-A2PW11: Delta A2 Series Power Cable for Medium Power Servo (1-2KW) with Brake Line

  • ASD-A2PW30: Delta A2 Series Power Cable for High Power Servo (2-3KW)

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